Tennessee Defense

Lawyers Association

TDLA Awards 2020 - Nominations now being accepted!

29 Jul 2020 5:00 PM | Mary Gadd (Administrator)

The Tennessee Defense Lawyers Association wishes to recognize the talent and achievements of our members by presenting the following two annual awards at the TDLA Annual Meeting virtual event on Thursday September 3, 2020. Nominations are now being accepted.

The deadline for nominations is Monday August 17, 2020. To be eligible for the awards, nominees must be members in good standing of TDLA.

To honor a TDLA member who has made significant contributions to TDLA, to the defense bar, and/or to the practice of law in Tennessee this year.

To honor a TDLA member who has been practicing law 10 years or less and who has made significant contributions to TDLA, to the defense bar, and/or who has promoted the interests of young lawyers in Tennessee this year.

For a Nomination Form: Click Here

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